Reminder about year-end contributions to St. John’s Church: All donations, including cash gifts, must be postmarked by December 31, or received in the Parish Office by noon on December 31, to qualify as a deduction for tax purposes. Likewise, gifts of stock must be received in the Church‟s investment account by December 31. For stock transfer instructions or other questions, please contact the Parish Office – 869-435-9290.
If you have not yet made a pledge to the Stewardship Campaign, please consider doing so now. Many thanks to all who have given so generously to St. John’s Church.
St. John’s Needs Your Financial Support
Maintaining a vibrant church is always an expensive proposition. We have faithfully met these challenges.
We continue to offer Worship servuces both in-building and now livestream, as well as YouTube recordings. Altogether, our attendance is about about twice pre-pandemic levels. Our worship includes a full eucharist liturgy; a gospel-based sermon; and beautiful music provided by talented organists and soloists.
Pastoral care is always available, for emergencies or for spiritual and emotional enrichment and refreshment.
We have faithfully renovated and maintained our beautiful, historic building. This includes our special Meneely bell, and our extraordinary Schantz pipe organ, plus a lot of scraping, sanding, and painting! But we have also kept up and increased our involvement outside our building (see “Outreach”), especially with the Corner Food Pantry.
If you value these things, or you just enjoy the fellowship and friendships you have in this place, please give generously. The gifts you make to your church in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ are like no other gifts you make. Imagine your life without this parish. Imagine our wider community without it.
Whether you are a longtime parishioner, a newcomer, or a friend of the parish, we need your support. Please know that it will be prudently offered to the glory of God.