Dear Friends,
If you are looking for a closer relationship with Jesus, you’re in the right place. Come join us at St. John’s and we’ll find that joy together.
If you seek the fellowship of active, involved Christians, you’ll fit right in here. If you seek the liturgical beauty and spiritual uplift of worship in the Episcopal faith tradition, welcome home.
As committed Christians we open ourselves to the saving grace of Christ’s love. In our worship we gladly celebrate God’s goodness. In our fellowship we confidently gather strength from each other, sharing our hopes and joys. As a parish family we stand together: comforting sorrows; giving spiritual and material support.
St. John’s Church

We conduct one Sunday Service at 10:00am. It is an in-person Holy Eucharist with sermon and music. The service is also live-streamed and recorded on our YouTube channel for our online worshippers.
One Sunday a month is a lay-led Morning Prayer service with sermon and music. For the schedule, please see our bi-weekly E-News on this site.
A coffee hour follows our Sunday services in the narthex.
Children and families are more than welcome! We are sorry to say, we do not offer child care, but we keep a collection of children’s books and stuffed toys inside the church doors.
Sunday Service
Where You’ll Find Us
You’re welcome here. Join us to celebrate, to mourn, to give thanks, to ask questions, or to pray. Come as you are.
Mark 9:38-50, 19 Pentecost
Three years ago, I preached a sermon here on today’s text from Mark. It was, of course, brilliant, and I was tempted to reheat it for today, and maybe I should have done that. But instead, I have decided to do what I have not done before, that is, take on all of Mark’s gospel. So here goes. Mark’s gospel was written first; it was the original and the source for others. Matthew and Luke came along after, and added all those wonderful parables, and John added the message of love. Mark had a different job. He wanted to get the story out, just put it out there, before the oral tradition petered out. So, Mark’s gospel is the shortest, just 16 chapters, compared to […]
Church Highlights

Find Us
Established in 1824, our congregation is celebrating its 200th anniversary.

St. John’s is a worshiping community with a meaningful and growing commitment to outreach.
The St. John’s community Outreach commitment for 2024 is budgeted at $18,900, a 33% increase from 2023. Including our Diocesan pledge, over $34,000 will be allocated to the greater community beyond St. John’s.