John 20:1-18, Easter Day
The most astonishing and important story in history ends with this: – When they came to the tomb early in the morning, they found the stone rolled away. When they went in, they did not find the body. The tomb was empty. HAPPY, HAPPY EASTER! Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those […]
John 19:1-37, Good Friday
For me, the high Holy Day of the church year is Good Friday, more impactful and relatable and real even than Christmas or Easter. It is the Crucifixion that makes sense out of the incarnation and resurrection, that gives them their meaning, and not the other way around.It is the Crucifixion that the gospels describe […]
Mark 15:1-39, Palm Sunday
The season of Lent brings sin into focus; it puts us in mind of our complicity in sin; and we repent of that sin. Then at the end of Lent, we hear the most important and timely story in history, the Crucifixion story. Today, we have Mark’s account; on Good Friday, we have John’s. The […]